Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Fortune cookies" in a box

fortune teller
Feeling curious or wanting to know about your future? Well, you can get some rough picture of it by drawing a 20 cents out from your pocket and start shaking a handful of sticks with different numbering printed at the edge of each stick. A stick might drop up from the container while you're shaking it carefully. You should then check the number jotted on the stick and approach to this box to collect the paper of your number. You may have some hints by reading the "fortune cookies". Mostly, you may find this in a Chinese temple. Do you think it's too superstitious? I might say that sometimes it would be a good way of guiding you out when you're lost.

Note: Picture taken in a Chinese temple at Kuala Kubu Bharu.

p/s: I'm dead NOT. lol.


Nikon said...

I'm not superstitious :)
Sounds like a nice little custom - has it ever been accurate for you?
Mine are always very vague, like "There is travel in your future" - that could mean a bus down the street!
Glad that you are still with the living :)

GMG said...

Not superstitious, but...
Like the Spanish say: "yo no creo en las brujas, pero que las hay, las hay..." (I don't believe in witches, but that they exist, they exist...)

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Glad you are not dead for I would miss you dearly. LOL.

The future is what your destiny has in store for you and, I believe, we have not yet found a way to crack that code. ;D

Lo Kelween said...

does it eat the cookies and you will have fortune rolling in? if so, then there shouldn't be any poor men around us...

same with nikon, i am not superstitious too (wink wink) :)

Nikon said...

Happy Holidays dear!!

Denton said...

I miss your post. Hope you come back soon. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy New Year.

Pat said...

Where are you? Missing you.


Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.

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