Friday, May 18, 2007

For Kajang Police Station, please call 03-87362222.

This is the police station situated in Kajang, my hometown. I bet this is the typical look of police station in Malaysia. Blue and white in colour. Of course there's a different in size of the building. Police station back in Kuala Lumpur would be much bigger, and maybe much better looking.

As you can see from the board there, it says "Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah". "Ibu Pejabat" is literally translated as the headquaters, "polis" is the malay pronounciation of police, whereas "daerah" is carrying the meaning of district. So it's District Police Headquarters in English. Hope you've learnt something today :)

By the way, our Royal Malaysian Police's motto is "Mesra, Cepat, & Betul" which means Friendly, Fast, and Correct.

But I think we as a Malaysian, we prefer the previous motto which is "Bersih, Cekap & Amanah" because we need it badly. This is literally translated as Clean, Proficient and Trustworthy. Well, better not to say too much here. All I can say is corruption still happens these day.


Sally said...

I certainly learned something tody - thanks.


Yes a very interesting post today. Well done! Greetings from Toruń Daily Photo here in Poland!

Anonymous said...

i agree with you, Emily!
perhaps they realised the earlier motto is a tough act to follow :p

Ming the Merciless said...

Yeah, I hear corruption is pretty bad in Malaysia.

Martel said...

In Martel we do not have a police station, just the gendarmerie.

My blog photographs one Martel

Dijah said...

sixth sense eyh Emily?
I think we do!

Emilieee said...

Sally, Glenn, Martel: Thanks for stopping by :)

Kris: I bet.. haha :D

Ming: I think now it has been improved. But still, we can't help it.

Dijah: Teehee :p

Keropokman said...

Yes, it's the typical look of police station in Malaysia. hehe

Look at this link from Batu Pahat, the colour, structure of building is the same!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Chong siew Chu razaruddin hasani Ri ayatuddin Al fatihah baharuddin Rihanna organisation Also Ruwaida Zuraidah Ibrahim Liyana Norida Ruwaida Al Teng Tun and Al agong Elizabeth Chong siew Chu razaruddin

Anonymous said...

Abdul Hamid anycl ketua ke13 neregi Elizabeth Chong siew Chu razaruddin hasani
SND 4000152d3

Anonymous said...

Johnson Chao chee nam

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Chong siew chu

Anonymous said...

Adam Chong kok Heng

Anonymous said...

Law wai kuan

Anonymous said...

Ching fui yoon

Anonymous said...

Chen Kar fui

Anonymous said...

Chen Kar fatt

Anonymous said...

Chen Kar fatt

Anonymous said...

Chong man Han

Anonymous said...

Chen man fei

Anonymous said...

Chen man fei

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kong bee

Anonymous said...

Lau see hoong

Anonymous said...

Lau jian yet

Anonymous said...

Lau jian fuie

Anonymous said...

Lau jian nam

Anonymous said...

Cheng dong hoi

Anonymous said...

Chong heng

Anonymous said...

Chin hing

Anonymous said...

David Choo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lee chee wei

Anonymous said...

Lee chee onn

Anonymous said...

Lee chee xiong

Anonymous said...

Lee xin jun

Anonymous said...

Lee wei jun

Anonymous said...

Oscar law wai kuan

Anonymous said...

Ray lee chee xiang

Anonymous said...

Chai jia he

Anonymous said...

Ho see wei

Anonymous said...

Ho see liang

Anonymous said...

Kevin lau guan xin

Anonymous said...

Roy hiew chin loi

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wong yun chai

Anonymous said...

Kevin law wei peng

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rani low

Anonymous said...

Sam law wai how

Anonymous said...

Wong wei xiong

Anonymous said...

Wong wei xiong

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Chong siew chu 831209055334

Anonymous said...

Bukit Aman Di Raj ketua ke13 Abdul Hamid nageri Elizabeth Chong siew chu mukim baharudin saya abang kandung.

Anonymous said...

Saya ketua ke13 Abdul Hamid nageri Elizabeth Chong siew chu mukim baharudin mukim My sumai name is a Oscar law wai kuan baharudin

Anonymous said...

Jalan SEMENYIH SELANGOR ipd snd band Malaysian iOS mukim FASA ice cream and Bukit Aman Di Raj ketua ke13 Abdul Hamid nageri Elizabeth Chong siew chu mukim baharudin Mozilla Firefox Kam jein yee Law wai kuan baharudin

Anonymous said...

Rl ayatuddin
Sadal siti rohani binti Mohamed redzaw organization Rihanna original law wai kuan baharudin Mozilla Firefox Kam jien yee Hong siew ling gem tang Zi qi Rihanna baharudin Mozilla Firefox Kam jien yee ratika Ching fui yoon ratika Erika ketika woo kah yee botok chin. yab dato Sri Ismail sabri yaakob sadal siti rohani binti Mohamed redzaw organization Gigi Zhang yi Kate analysis Amanda Al teng ku ampuan datin Elizabeth Chong siew chu.831209055334

Anonymous said...

Adam bin Abdullah botak chin law wai kuan 88100556589

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Yab dato Sri Ismail sabri bin yaakob annuar Musa ruwaida Kate Gigi Zhang yi lim an kei lim zi lin Carmen uni Uma ESA Era Ida sulaiman ketika Rihanna original Kam jien yee ketika Era ESA sulaiman said...

Chong siew chu
Rebecca Monica mukim Musa ruwaida Kate
yab dato Sri Ismail sabri bin yaakob
annuar Musa

Anonymous said...

Saya ketua police negera ke 13 razaruddin husina Chong siew Chu Noor Yana Sulaiman Mukim Salahuddin Ghana gengster open to Day 36 Ng dee keong TQ my baby boy name Anak kandung Zhao Ming fook Anak muda pua kei Liang Zhao Wei panjang.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My ketua police Chong siew chu
E21 kampung baru broga
Negeri sembilan

Chong siew chu 831209055334=1001=e21 kampung baru broga 71750 negeri sembilan police officer broga snd band said...

My husband name is a David Choo

Chong siew chu 831209055334 said...

Lim Ong Heng
No 46
Jalan congkak 4A Batu 3-1/4 Taman Mutu 41000 Klang
Ini anak muda pertama saya name dia
Anak muda perdua pua kei Liang
Anak ketiga oscar low
Kakak dia lim chew yee
Saya anak muda pertama kakak
黑帮老大04 anak pertama lim Ong Heng
My husband name is a syamsul yusof